Comparison of the effect of comprehensive corrective exercises with and without posture training on female students' kyphosis

پذیرفته شده برای پوستر
شناسه دیجیتال (DOI): 10.22089/ssrc.2024.4112
کد مقاله : 1049-SSRC (R1)
1عضو فدارسیون والیبال جمهوری اسلامی ایران و سازمان ورزش و جوانان
2محقق علوم پزوهشی
The purpose of this research was to compare the effect of comprehensive corrective exercises with and without posture training on kyphosis of female students. Kyphosis or dorsal kyphosis or so-called hunchback is a complication in the spine in the back vertebrae that causes it to curve forward, and corrective movements are one of the parts of physical education that can prevent complications of the upright structure with the help of therapeutic exercises. In this research, 150 female students were measured and evaluated for their height structure. In the first stage, the general screening was done by the New York test and using a checker board, and in the second stage, the kyphosis angle was measured using a flexible ruler, 24 female students of the second secondary level in the age group of 15 to 17 years who have complications were kyphosis and were selected to conduct the research. The subjects were randomly divided into three groups. The first group received comprehensive corrective exercises with posture, the second group received comprehensive corrective exercises without posture training, and the third group was the control group who were not given any exercise program and were engaged in their normal daily activities. The exercises of the first and second groups were performed for eight weeks and three sessions each week, and each session lasted for 60 minutes, and at the end of the exercises, pre- and post-tests were taken from the participants. To compare and check the results obtained from the subjects, the post-hoc test of Shayprovik and the correlated t-test were used, and the obtained data were statistically analyzed with SPSS27 software. The obtained results were significant at the 5% level and it was shown that the kyphosis complication was significantly reduced in both groups, therefore, according to the obtained results, the formulation and implementation of comprehensive corrective exercises with and without posture can significantly - It is effective in correcting and improving students' kyphosis. Also, no specific change was observed in the control group.
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