A systematic review of neuromarketing in sport

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1077-SSRC
1Master's student in marketing management in sport, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2Associate Professor of Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Background: After the Industrial Revolution, companies have gone through different paradigms in order to provide a better product to the consumer. The first sales paradigm was product-oriented, after that the sales-oriented paradigm was taken into consideration, then the measurement of customer needs was added to the previous paradigms. Today, companies seek to differentiate themselves from other competitors and have concluded that only satisfying customers' needs does not lead to success in sales, for this purpose, companies are looking for a better and more accurate understanding of consumer behavior. One of the things that can help companies in this matter is the use of neuromarketing.

Purpose: Purpose of this research is systematic review of research conducted in the field of neuromarketing in sport.

Methodology: The method of the research is library based, we searched systematically based on keywords related to neuromarketing in sport, which include "neuromarketing", "attention", "electroencephalography", "eye-tracking", " and "sponsorship" and we found 21 articles in the Google Scholar database. With the analysis done, 7 articles were outside our topic and were discarded, and then we summarized and classified among those 14 articles and compared neuromarketing tools in these articles.

Results: Unfortunately, in most of the articles in the field of neuromarketing, we see that researchers see neuromarketing as a button that we can use to access the consumer's brain, while neuromarketing is actually a supplement to traditional marketing. Also, another weakness of the reviewed studies is using of only one tool and the failure to use the tools in the real environment (markets and stores).

Conclusion: Neuromarketing uses the principles of neuroscience to understand consumer behavior and decision-making processes, and with its help, it is possible to discover the emotional and cognitive stimuli that lead consumers to make purchasing decisions. It causes companies to adjust their marketing strategy in such a way that they receive a favorable response from their target audience.