Pathology of content management of professional athletes' Instagram page (Case study of Saeed Marouf)

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1078-SSRC
Purpose: Social media in the sports industry have become very influential, so that Instagram is the most popular of these media among athletes. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is the pathology of content management of professional athletes' Instagram pages with a case study of Saeed Marouf.
Methodology: The research method is to check Saeed's Instagram page to see how many percent of his personal page is about sports, social and personal issues. From the point of view of the nature, it is in the category of fundamental researches, the research was in a documentary way, and our research is of a descriptive type. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data, from the perspective of methodology and strategy of data collection and analysis in the category of qualitative research Placed. To achieve the goal of the research, the last 50 posts of Saeed Marouf's Instagram page were analyzed.
Findings: The findings show that the content of the last 50 posts of Saeed Marouf can be classified into three categories of personal and family, social and sports content. Also, the findings indicate that the highest number of posts that Saeed Maarouf posted on his Instagram page are related to personal and family issues and the lowest amount is related to social issues. In addition, it can be said that the most likes are related to sports posts and the most comments are related to social content.
Conclusion: It is suggested that if advertisers learn how to use social networks correctly and professionally, they can achieve countless results by increasing the engagement of their followers and supporters, including marketing goals, role models, and popularity .