Investigating the effect of sports tourists' interaction and experiences on behavioral intentions and word-of-mouth advertising
Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1093-SSRC
1Master of sport management, Kurdistan Azad University
2Master of sport marketing management, Payam Noor Karaj University
3Master's degree in sports pathology and corrective excercises
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of sports tourists' interaction and experiences on behavioral intentions and word-of-mouth advertising. In terms of method, it was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the research was foreign sports tourists who had traveled to Iran to do sports in 2021-2023 and were active in specialized tourism social networks including Coach Surfing, Gikogo and LinkedIn. The method of modeling structural equations using SmartPLS version 3 software was used for data analysis. To determine the minimum required sample in the PLS method, (Hair et al. 2016) mention that the required sample size should be determined by power analysis based on the part of the model with the largest number of predictors. Considering the minimum values of the coefficient of determination, the significance level and the assumption of the common statistical power level of 80%, they suggested the minimum required sample size (Hair et al., 2016). Based on this, in the current research, where the maximum number of arrows inserted into a structure is four, the minimum suggested sample is 160, and the number of 260 questionnaires is sufficient based on this criterion.The researchers sent an email to the members using a targeted method. The number of 260 samples was determined based on the minimum sample method of Hir et al. (2016). Ann et al.'s (2019) experiential values questionnaire, Chen and Chen's (2010) word-of-mouth advertising questionnaire, Su et al.'s customer interaction (2017), and Ben et al.'s (2012) revisit intention were used. The results showed that the sports tourist's interaction and experiences have an effect on his behavioral intentions and word-of-mouth advertising. Therefore, for the development of sports tourists, the necessary attention should be paid to increasing interaction with tourists and improving their experiential values.