Study of factors affecting sports tourism using beach sports

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1130-SSRC
The purpose of this research was to study the influencing factors on sports tourism using beach sports. The research method is descriptive-analytical and after collecting, classifying and organizing the data that was prepared from tourism-sports experts and beach tourists of Hormozgan province, they were analyzed. To achieve this approach, by determining the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats based on the SWOT model, a management strategy has been presented in the development of sports tourism in Hormozgan province with an emphasis on beach sports. The results showed that creating green space in coastal areas, creating new job opportunities in coastal areas, supporting tourism programs in coastal areas and preserving cultural traditions and getting to know different important cultures. They are the strongest points of the region. Destruction of the environment and marine ecologies through dumping waste into the sea and the passage of tourist boats, along with the risk of damaging the cultural heritage of the society and the tension between tourists and the host environment, has the most negative weight in sports tourism in Hormozgan province. And it is known as the weak points of the region. The most important opportunities are the growth and development in other sectors of the tourism industry and the increase of organizational capabilities and exploitation of the market. The most important threats will be inflation and price increase, rent and creating false jobs. In general, the strategic position of beach sports tourism development in Bandar Abbas is in the offensive position of SO that in implementing this strategy, the organization tries to make the most .of external opportunities by using internal strengths