The effect of one week of strength training on students' physical fitness factors

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1140-SSRC
1دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد موسسه آموزش عالی شفق واحد نشتارود
2دانشگاه آزاد تنکابن
3آمورش و پرورش رامسر
Introduction and purpose: For a long time, the importance of different training methods
and methods to obtain preparation and brilliant results in competitions has been considered
by coaches and athletes. One of the most important components of training in various sports
fields is optimal physical preparation. The purpose of this research was to investigate one
week of Swedish swimming strength exercise on the physical fitness factors of female
students of second secondary school in Ramsar city. Methodology: In this research, the
available sampling method was used to select the statistical sample. The number of 20
students (average age 17±0.001 years, average height 160±5.4 cm and average body weight
40.54±2.6 kg) were randomly divided into two control and experimental groups. Physical
fitness tests included flexibility, Sargent's vertical jump, and barfix stretching, which were
performed before and after one week of Swedish swimming strength training. In order to
statistically analyze the data, correlated t and independent t tests were used at the significance
level of p<0.05. Results: The results showed that one week of strength training caused a
significant difference in physical fitness factors in the experimental group compared to the
control group. The increase in Sargent's vertical jump, flexibility and tension from the barfix
of students in the experimental group was 35±1.2 cm, flexibility was 45±2.5 cm, and the
tension from the barfix was 12 ±0.2, respectively. Conclusion: Therefore, the results of this
research showed that strength training can be considered as an important training tool for all
athletes who need an optimal level of physical fitness to perform sports skills.