The effect of the coaches' leadership style on the success motivation and commitment of ISport children in Shiraz (from the parents' point of view)

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1145-SSRC
1مسئول ورزش دستگاههای اجرایی استان فارس (هیات همگانی)
2استاد تمام
The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of the coaches' leadership style on the success motivation and commitment of ISport children in Shiraz city (from the parents' point of view). This research is from the point of view of practical purpose and from the point of view of nature and method of cause-effect type. The statistical population of the present study includes all the parents of the children of the ISports groups in Shiraz city, according to the information collected from the ISports groups, their number was 1100. In this research, the Karjesi and Morgan table was used for sampling, and the statistical sample of the current research included 285 people. It should be noted that the stratified random method was used to determine the sample size. In this research, in order to collect information, leadership style questionnaires (Chaladori and Saleh, 1980), success motivation (Roberts and Thrasher, 1998) and sports commitment (Scanlan et al., 1993) were used. After collecting the questionnaires, using Lisrel and Spss software and structural equation test and Pearson's correlation coefficient, we investigated the research hypotheses. The results of the research hypotheses showed that the coaches' leadership style has a significant effect on the success motivation and commitment of Shiraz ISport children (from the parents' point of view). Also, in a general proposal, it is suggested that the ISport trainers of Shiraz, by adopting and applying the appropriate leadership style, encourage children to participate in activities and improve their motivation to succeed and continue their commitment.