The role of customer trust on customer purchase behavior with the mediation of word-of-mouth advertising (Study case of consumers of sports products in Isfahan city)

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1172-SSRC
1physical education-faculty of literature and humanities-shahrekord university-shahrekord-iran
2physical education and sport science-faculty of literature and humanities-shahrekord university-shahrekord-iran
Introduction: Today, in marketing theories, the customer's buying behavior is influenced by the advertising and marketing strategy of the company, so marketing specialists or manufacturers must recognize the consumer's behavior and predict what behavior the customer will show in front of all kinds of advertising. Davido et al., 2021) customers are considered important resources of the organization (Park and Chong, 2009) based on this style, knowledge about customers and understanding their needs is very necessary to keep customers in the market (Zheng et al., 2004). In the process of studying consumer behavior, it is mentioned The effect of word-of-mouth advertising on customers' purchasing decisions, which is one of the main components of the distribution channel. This type of advertising can influence the views, thoughts and decisions of others (source). It is worth mentioning that in order to have long-term relationships with customers Companies must create the appropriate trust for the customer. When a deep trust is established, both parties try to get the most benefits to build their relationships (Hara et al., 2011). between the trust and buying behavior of consumers of sports products in Isfahan city. The statistical population of the study is the consumers of sports products in Isfahan city, based on Cochran's formula, 387 people were randomly selected and from the customer trust questionnaires of Kim and Park (2013), Bandpi's customer buying behavior (2015) and Zhang's word-of-mouth advertising (2007) were used for analysis. The data are from the structural equation model and using SPSS24 and PLS3 software used
The results showed that word-of-mouth advertising has a significant effect on customer buying behavior.
It was also shown that the variable of trust has a positive and significant effect on the purchase intention of customers. Therefore, according to the role of word-of-mouth advertising on the frequent purchase of customers, the sellers of sports products should be more active in the necessary fields, including the use of various forms of advertising to increase the relationship between customers regarding their brand