Identifying the Challenges of People's Access to Sports Facilities and Services

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1190-SSRC
1عضو هیات علمی
2عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه جهرم
Introduction: The increase in the level of inactivity and obesity among the Iranian society and as a result endangering the health and well-being of the society, makes it obvious the importance of necessary measures to provide sports facilities and increase the per capita and access of people to sports services. In this way, recognizing the challenges and obstacles is one of the most important steps that needs to be studied. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to identify the basic challenges in per capita development and access to sports facilities.
Materials and Methods: This research is a qualitative research. The participants included of the 14 experts in the field of sports management who were selected from two methods of theoretical sampling and snowball. Semi-structured interview was used to collect data. Interview and textual data were analyzed in three stages of open coding (analysis of key points of interview data and identification of main and minor components of the interview), axial coding (identification of codes in the form of common components and concepts), and Selective coding (determining the relationship between major and minor components and developing a qualitative research model).
Result: According to the findings of the research, some main concepts (only focusing on the per capita as a measure of suitability of sports spaces and places, low motivation of the private sector to invest, unfinished projects, lack of integrated information about sports places, unbalanced development and far from the perspective of territorial development, Weakness in the monitoring mechanisms of sports clubs and complexes to comply with the tariffs approved by the government and municipalities, low productivity of sports venues, weak interaction between executive bodies, lack of intelligence and networking of sports venues, weakness in the enactment and implementation of existing laws, uncertainty of national sports development policies. , lack of attention to sports services in virtual space, and accumulated depreciation of sports facilities) were identified as the most important challenges.
Conclusion: In sum, the challenges identified in this research can be used as a framework for planning and macro policies in per capita and access to sports facilities.