Comparison of Posture and Balance performance in Athlete Teenage Girls with Pronated Foot

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1223-SSRC
1Department of Sports Biomechanics, Deputy of Research Sport Biomechanics Innovation center, Tehran, Iran.
2Department of Sports Biomechanics and Technology, Sport Science Research Institute, CEO Sport Biomechanics Innovation center, Tehran, Iran.
33. Department of Sports Biomechanics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
44. Department of Sports Biomechanics, Sport Biomechanics Innovation center, Tehran, Iran.
Background and Aim: The complexion of the foot and the ankle is the ending part of the lower extremity which work together and as a whole, provide stability and duplex movement. The purpose of this study is Comparison of Posture and Balance performance in Pronated Athlete Teenage Girls.
Materials and Methods: In this quasi- experimental study, 50 Pronated Athlete girls (28 healthy and 22 pronated) were selected. Subject Demographic include Age of Pronated adolescence (15/46± 1/10), Height (159/69 ± 8/48 cm) and Weight (66/65 ± 8/45), Age of Healthy grope (15/26± 1/13 ) , Height ( 158/91± 10/09) and Weight (64/52 ± 7/76 ). For statistical analysis of data K-S test for normal distribution of data and used U Mann–Whitney and T- test in order to compare the two groups with 0.05.
Result: According to the results of the Yeomen Whitney test to compare the chosen parameters of the posture, the average amount of the variances of forward head, uneven shoulder, Lordosis, knee Varus and Valgus of the teenage girls suffering from pronation was slightly higher than the healthy group, but only in Valgus and Lordosis of the heel’s variances, notable discrepancies were observed (p≤0/00); and the independent T test by comparing Static balance shows that between two groups were meaningful discrepancy (p≤ 0/00).
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, girls with ankle pronation have more anomalies than the healthy group, and mechanical changes in the posture can increase the back lordosis and hindfoot valgus, the drop of the navicular bone, flatfeet index, and decrease the balance in girls with pronation than the healthy group. Therefore, the occurrence of any plantar anomalies, like flatfeet and pronation, has a significant effect on the posture and balance.