Is foot posture associated with low back pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1241-SSRC
2استاد دانشگاه تهران
Background: Low back pain (LBP) is a prevalent global health issue with substantial economic implications for healthcare systems. Identifying modifiable risk factors for LBP is crucial to minimize healthcare costs and enhancing the overall quality of life. Lower extremity alignment, specifically foot alignment, has emerged as a potential factor influencing spinal interactions. Disruptions in this joint have the potential to induce abnormal movement patterns, contributing to the development or exacerbation of LBP. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the current evidence on a link between foot posture and LBP and enhance the understanding of this relationship.

Objective: To systematically review whether there is a link between foot posture and LBP.

Methods: A systematic search conducted in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus up to May 2023. No restrictions on the age, gender, or occupation of the participants were applied. Two authors independently screened and assessed the methodological quality of retrieved papers using the Downs and Black quality assessment checklist. Data of interest including study design, age, sample size, cases, comparison and P-value were extracted from the included studies.

Results: Nine articles evaluating foot alignment in individuals with LBP were included (17207 participants in total). Meta-analysis results revealed a significant correlation between flat foot prevalence and LBP (p < 0.05), indicating that abnormal ankle alignment is associated with an elevated risk of LBP, with strong evidence.

Conclusion: While some studies supported a relationship between foot alignment and LBP, the heterogeneity of study designs and methodological limitations hindered drawing a definitive conclusion. Future research should emphasize prospective cohort studies, incorporating objective measures of foot extremity alignment and standardized outcome measures. This will provide valuable insights for prevention of LBP.