Comprehensive analysis of whole-body electrical muscle stimulation: evolution, technical foundations, applications, and considerations

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1297-SSRC
Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran
Whole body-electrical muscle stimulation (WB-EMS) has been developed as a new therapeutic technology. It is an effective and attractive training method accompanied which is a time-saving form of training.
The WB-EMS comprises several key components that collectively contribute to its functionality. The primary element involves the use of wireless technology to transmit electrical impulses to targeted muscle groups. A control unit, often compact and user-friendly, serves as the central hub for programming and regulating the stimulation parameters. A pair of electrodes (cathode and anode) are integral components that facilitate the transmission of electrical signals to the muscles. These electrodes are strategically placed on specific body areas based on the desired training objectives. Additionally, customizable software allows for the adaptation of stimulation intensity and frequency, accommodating individual fitness levels and goals. Overall, the synergy of wireless communication, control units, electrodes, and customizable software forms the foundational components of WB-EMS, creating a versatile and effective system for muscle training, rehabilitation, and relaxation.
Diverse applications of WB-EMS include sports performance, rehabilitation, and body training and it has wide effects on increasing angiogenesis, muscle growth, and metabolism and decreasing visceral fat and sarcopenia. These advantages contribute to the growing popularity of WB-EMS as a viable and efficient alternative in muscle training and rehabilitation regimens and make it an attractive option for individuals with busy schedules seeking optimal fitness outcomes.
Although WB-EMS presents several advantages, it comes with specific prohibitions to ensure safe and effective usage. Individuals should refrain from using WB-EMS during pregnancy due to potential risks to fetal development. Those with cardiovascular conditions, epilepsy, open wounds, or certain neurological disorders are advised to avoid WB-EMS, as the electrical stimulation may pose risks or interfere with their conditions. Children should generally avoid WB-EMS, given the limited research on its impact on developing bodies. In conclusion, this review discusses specific protocols used for various applications and provides insights into the tailored approaches that optimize outcomes and present technical intricacies, diverse applications, advantages, and considerations surrounding WB-EMS.