designing a pathological model of the escape of financial sponsors from professional sports in Khorasan-Razavi

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1372-SSRC
1Master of Physical Education, Mashhad Binaloud Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran
2Faculty member of the Department of Movement Behavior and Sports Management of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
3Faculty member of Binaloud institution of higher education of Mashhad
4Ph.D. student in Sports Management at Non-Profit North University, Amol, Mazandaran, Iran.
Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of designing a model for the pathology of financial supporters' escape from professional sports in Khorasan-Razavi.
methodology: This research is philosophical, interpretive, and exploratory in nature, using the Glaser grounded theory approach. In the present study, a combined method with an exploratory approach introduced by Creswell and Plano Clark (2010) was used. The population and sample of this research consisted of 15 qualitative experts in the field of sports management and national sports elites, and 215 quantitative managers of professional sports supporters and champions in Khorasan-Razavi. The research tools included semi-structured in-depth interviews for the qualitative section and a financial supporter escape pathology questionnaire for the quantitative section. All questionnaires and checklists used in the qualitative section of the research were analyzed for formal and content validity. For this purpose, Glaser's coding sheets, interview checklists, and quantitative questionnaires were validated by three sports management experts familiar with the field of financial support. The reliability of the research questionnaires was assessed using SPSS software and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which reported a total questionnaire reliability of 0.83. Statistical methods such as coding, summarizing, and filtering were used in the qualitative section to extract raw data. In the Glaser section, open and axial coding, summarizing, and filtering techniques were used to extract raw data, and in the quantitative (descriptive) section, mean, median, standard deviation, QQ plot, and inferential methods such as Cronbach's alpha, confirmatory factor analysis were used with SPSS and AMOS software.
Findings: The results showed that the critical indicators and factors for the escape of financial supporters from professional sports in Khorasan-Razavi were placed in seven categories of legal injuries, club injuries, supervisory injuries, managerial injuries, supportive injuries, financial injuries, and contextual injuries, which need to be addressed in order to eliminate the injuries and attract supporters.