The Effect of 6 Weeks of Badminton Exercises on Physical Literacy of 9-Year-Old Girls

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1389-SSRC
1رفتار حرکتی،دانشکده علوم ورزشی، دانشگاه ارومیه،ایران
2رفتار حرکتی،تربیت بدنی،ارومیه(نازلو)، ارومیه، ایران
3پیام نور مرکز ارومیه
Childhood is a critical period in which promoting physical activity and exercise is of great importance, and it predicts levels of physical activity in adulthood. However, in recent years, the level of physical activity in children has significantly decreased. As a result, the necessity of implementing physical activity intervention for students regardless of age, gender, and physical condition has become a priority. In recent years, physical literacy has emerged as a potential solution to reduce global physical inactivity. This concept is defined as motivation, self-confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding for valuing and taking responsibility for participating in physical activities for life. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of 18 sessions of badminton training on the physical literacy of 9-year-old girls. To this end, 30 healthy volunteer girls with an average age of 9.6 years were selected through convenience sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups after the pretest. The experimental group engaged in badminton exercises for 6 weeks (3 sessions of 75 minutes per week) under the supervision of a coach in a club, and after the training sessions, post-tests were conducted on both experimental and control groups. The second edition of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL-2) including 4 domains of physical competence, daily behavior, knowledge and understanding, motivation and confidence was used as a tool in the pretest and post-test. Physical literacy data and its domains were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance at a significance level of 0.05. According to the results, badminton training had a significant effect on physical literacy, and there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups. Badminton training only had a significant effect on the domains of physical competence, motivation and confidence, and daily behavior, and had no significant effect on knowledge and understanding. Therefore, it seems that badminton training can improve the domains of physical competence, motivation and confidence, and daily behavior of physical literacy variables.