Eight weeks of intervention of endurance exercises and diet plan in reducing body mass index (BMI) of overweight students

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1413-SSRC
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Background and Purpose: Obesity is a serious risk factor for metabolic syndrome, such as cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.Obesity includes direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are related to medical and health care and indirect costs are related to disabilities, disabilities and premature deaths and overall reduction in human resource productivity. Due to the importance of this issue, the weight and obesity control plan of students was implemented in pilot form in line with the fundamental transformation document of the Ministry of Education and with the approach of improving the attitude and creating a healthy and active lifestyle in the students of Shahid Mostafa Khomeini High School.
Methodology: According to the nature of the subject, after the end of the initial evaluation, 47 obese and overweight students were identified. 32 students entered the project with a consent form from their parents and completed a health awareness form. They were subjected to aerobic exercise and diet intervention for 8 weeks.
Results: The results showed that the interventions carried out, including the formation of a heavy weights club, review of training protocols in school and support by the heads of groups, use of parents' capacity in the weight and obesity control plan, tug-of-war competition, monitoring the intensity of training using Perceived pressure scale and three-day record of consumed foods could keep the participation rate as high as possible and reduce the body BMI of students significantly (P≥0.05).
Conclusion: The implementation of exercise protocol and nutritional instructions by solving possible challenges causes maximum participation and achieving positive results in reducing weight, BMI and obesity of students.