The role of hijab and chastity attitude in physical education activities among female athletes

Oral Presentation
Paper ID : 1442-SSRC
1استادیار آموزش وپرورش قم
2کارشناس ورزش اداره تربیت بدنی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی قم
3رئیس اداره تربیت بدنی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی قم
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was the role of hijab and chastity attitude in physical education activities. The research method is basic in terms of the goal and descriptive and analytical in terms of the data collection method. Finally, it has been concluded that the opportunities of hijab and chastity in physical education activities among female athletes are: increasing the value of women, preserving and strengthening women in society, focusing others only on women's personality, improving women's self-esteem, protecting privacy. Family in spaces outside the family, impact on women's immunity, increasing the social value of women, promoting the culture of chastity in sports, revitalizing Islamic culture, turning women into a valuable and dynamic being, creating a sense of peace and comfort in sports environments, strengthening religious identity in Sports, revitalizing Islamic rituals, reforming society's attitude towards women and removing discrimination, strengthening beliefs and strengthening religious spirit to adhere to social values, lack of sexual stimulation, significant reduction of individual and social corruption in the sports community, reducing the demand for women's leadership in the field Sports, fighting against the cultural invasion of the West and guaranteeing intellectual health, as well as the limitations of hijab and chastity in physical education activities among female athletes include: creating insecurity in the sports community in case of non-use, lack of media coverage, deprivation of some sports activities at the international level, Reducing the motivation to participate in sports, increasing the possibility of sports injuries, increasing sweating in women and having a bad effect on sports skills.