Investigation of individual knowledge management solutions of physical education teachers

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1451-SSRC
دانشگاه بیرجند
Introduction: Human resources are the center and the main pillar of education in the country and they are the basis of any progress after the family. The success of teachers who are part of human resources depends on various factors; Among these factors, we can mention the factor of personal knowledge management.
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to provide a solution for the development of personal knowledge management of physical education teachers
Method: The current research was of an applied type that was carried out using a qualitative method. The statistical population was made up of academic staff members, experienced teachers, education and training officials regarding school sports. For this purpose, after studying the background of the research, in-depth and semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with experts. The interviews continued until reaching the stage of theoretical saturation and identifying all solutions . with 13 people who were selected by purposeful sampling; Theoretical saturation was achieved.
Results : According to the main concept of personal knowledge management, after studying the background of the research, in-depth and semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with experts. The interviews continued until the theoretical saturation stage was reached and all solutions were identified. A total of 20 solutions were identified, which were categorized into 3 main factors. The two main categories of identified solutions (organizational solutions, individual solutions) are for using the opportunities available in the education organization and the other (supportive solutions) for using the opportunities available outside this organization.
Conclusion: The solutions presented in the current research can help expand the personal knowledge of physical education teachers and create a suitable environment for self-actualization and professionalism of physical education teachers.