A comparative Study of Justice and Equality in Iranian and European football Stadiums

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1455-SSRC
1PHD Student in Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University,Tehran, Iran
2PHD Student of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
3Associate Professor in Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: The purpose of this research was to the a comparative study of justice and equality in football stadiums in Iran and selected European countries, and providing practical suggestions in line with the sustainable development of sports and the achievement of the 17 goals of the 2030 global sustainable development document.
Methodology: The current research is a comparative study with a qualitative strategy. Data was collected from documents, guidelines, articles, research projects, and internet resources related to justice and equality indicators and actions taken in selected countries, using George Brady's comparative model in four stages: description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison. The study population of the current research includes the Premier League stadiums of England, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, and Iran, which were purposefully selected.
Findings: After collecting and analyzing the data, the actions identified in the direction of sustainable justice and equality in the studied countries and Iran are classified into 9 sections: women, the elderly, transgender individuals, children, adolescents and young people, families, personality types, the disabled, and veterans. The results show that the management of European football stadiums in the 9 identified sectors has relatively similar performance in terms of justice and equality. However, in Iranian football stadiums, positive measures have only been taken in the field of respecting the rights of the disabled and veterans.
Conclusion: It is hoped that the responsible and policy-making institutions of Iran, especially the officials of the country's sports and the football federation, will learn from the experiences of the countries studied in this research and implement sustainable management practices for sports venues and stadiums. The results of this research can also be used to formulate a comprehensive program in line with the development of sustainable justice and equality in Iranian sports and fulfilling the social responsibility of sports in promoting justice and equality in the global community.