The model for the promotion of sports coaches based on the factors that create career motivation based on the theory of two motivational factors - Herzberg Health

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1462-SSRC
2Associate Professor in Sport Management, Department of Physical Education And Sport Science, Mashhad Branach, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
3Associate Professor in Sport Management, Department of Physical Education And Sport Science, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
In this study, due to the unlimitedness of the statistical population, the formula of Cochran's relationship was used. Therefore, according to the above relationship, the sample size is equal to 384 people. To measure the research variables, the 78-item questionnaire "Effective Factors on Strengthening Career Motivation" by ghadernesuad and Fahim Devin (1401) based on a five-point Likert scale, from completely disagree (1) to completely agree (5) and a researcher-made performance questionnaire Coaches (technical performance (knowledge), leadership performance, emotional performance (intelligence), communication performance (skills), behavioral performance) ghadernesuad and Fahim Devin (1401) were used. The data collected through the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics methods and with the help of SPSS version 21 and LISREL version 8.8. Descriptive statistics methods include frequency, percentages, central tendency indices and dispersion for description. Demographic characteristics and quantitative description of the research variables and inferential statistics methods include confirmatory factor analysis methods to check the adequacy of the model and the construct validity of the test instrument, alpha Cronbach to check the reliability of the tool, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to check the normality of data distribution, structural equation test to test the main research question, etc. According to the results of the coefficients of the path between the factors that create (individual, contextual, management-leadership, organizational dimension) job motivation and performance improvement 0 which are positive values, the values of t statistic (t) which are more than 1.96, so with confidence 95% can be concluded that this
The coefficients of the path are significant at the error level of 0.05 and it can be said that individual, contextual, management-leadership and organizational dimensions have a positive and significant effect on improving the performance of sports coaches.
Proceeding Title [Persian]
The model for the promotion of sports coaches based on the factors that create career motivation based on the theory of two motivational factors - Herzberg Health
Authors [Persian]