The effect of social capital and knowledge management on the organizational capacity of employees of sports and youth departments in Hamadan province

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1480-SSRC
Master student in sports management Hamedan Branch Islamic Azad university Hamedan Iran
The distinctive feature of today's world is the change that affects all fields. Organizations also need change to survive and must adapt to the changes in the surrounding environment. Today, the success of organizations depends on their ability to adapt and adapt to changing environmental factors. Based on this, attention to organizational capacity in organizations is increasing. The basic principle of the mentioned concept is the ability of organizations to learn, adapt, evaluate and respond to internal and external organizational changes and developments. The purpose of this research was to determine the impact of social capital and knowledge management on the organizational capacity of employees of sports and youth departments in Hamadan province. The statistical population of this research was made up of all employees of sports and youth departments of Hamedan province, numbering 170 people. Using the cluster sampling method, 118 employees completed the social capital questionnaires of Nahapit and Ghoshal (1999), Hemti's knowledge management (2009) and Moghimi's organizational capacity (2010). The content validity of the measurement tool was evaluated and confirmed using the opinion of sports management experts (7 people), reliability using Cronbach's alpha (α=0.84) and construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis. In order to analyze the data, SPSS and PLS software were used. The research findings showed that social capital has a positive and significant effect on knowledge management and organizational capacity. Knowledge management also had an impact on organizational capacity. The proposed research model also had a good fit (GOF=0.602) in the target society. The general result of the research showed that in order for organizations to act as social organizations and to be able to take their decisions from their experiences and environment; They need organizational capacity, the result of which is organizational efficiency, and they increase and improve its productivity. In order to adapt to the ever-increasing changes and discover potential opportunities in the field of sports, sports and youth departments need employees who can provide the basis for the growth of organizational capacity through the use of knowledge and social capital and its proper transfer.