Executive and legislative criminal policy of Iran regarding copying in sports fields

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1493-SSRC
رئیس دادگستری
Due to the expansion and development of sports by different countries, we are witnessing the establishment of new disciplines in the field of sports, which, although it has had an important impact on people's acceptance of sports, has also created challenges in this field. One of these challenges, considering the similarity of some new sports fields with each other, is the copying of sports fields that have already been established and registered. In this article, we are trying to answer the question of the executive and legislative policy of our country in dealing with such a challenge in the field of sports with the descriptive and analytical method and using library resources. The result of the research indicates that the executive policy of our country in this regard is that the Ministry of Sports and Youth is in charge of the registration of sports fields, which is the responsibility of the planning and supervision office to examine the study of new sports fields and issue licenses for the activity or non-activity of sports fields. It is one of the sub-sets of the championship and professional deputy of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, although this task is not performed correctly. Considering that sport is a social phenomenon and no social phenomenon is separate from art, therefore, sport is an art and has innovation and initiative, and this innovation is supported by the legislator. It is explained that in the Law on the Protection of the Rights of Authors, Writers and Artists approved in 1348, the legal treatment of copying in sports fields can be inferred under certain conditions; Of course, it is necessary for our country to adopt an explicit legislative criminal policy in this regard regard