The effect of demographic characteristics of gender and marital status on political and social participation ‎and the motivation of sports participation of the elderly in 5 district of Tehran

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1498-SSRC
دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of demographic characteristics of gender ‎and marital status on political and social participation and the motivation for sports participation of the ‎elderly in 5 district of Tehran. The research method was descriptive-analytical and the statistical ‎population was all elderly people in 5 cities of Tehran with an age range of 69 to 85 years and an ‎unknown number. statistical sample of the research, including 384 elderly people who were determined ‎based on the Kerjesi and Morgan table and available in a non-random way, from people who were in ‎public places, parks, mosques, and neighborhood halls, was examined. Research variables using 3 ‎questionnaires, including the political participation questionnaire (Farajzadeh, 2013), Social participation ‎questionnaire (Afshani et al. 2015) and sports participation questionnaire (Gil et al., 1983) were ‎measured. The statistical analysis of the data was done with the help of descriptive indices and structural ‎equation modeling, and SPSS and Amos software were used. The results of this research showed that the ‎effect of gender on sports motivation was positive and significant, the effect of gender on social ‎participation was positive and significant, and the effect of gender on political participation was positive ‎and significant. Also, the effect of marital status on sports motivation was negative and non-significant, ‎the effect of marital status on social participation was negative and non-significant, and the effect of ‎marital status on political participation was negative and non-significant. According to the positive values ‎of the regression coefficients of the gender variable, it was found that the status of political and social ‎participation variables and sports participation motivation is stronger in male elderly than in female ‎elderly. Also, the married variable had no effect on the research variables, so it is recommended to the ‎relevant officials to pay attention to both single and married people in planning.‎