The Effect of the FIFA 11+ Program on Youth Football Player’s Performance: A Systematic Review

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1509-SSRC
دانشگاه خوارزمی
Introduction: The FIFA 11+ program was created in 2006 as a comprehensive warm-
up program designed to prevent injuries in amateur football players. Studies have
shown that the program has a positive impact on the physical performance of young
football players (1). Reis (2013) found that the program improved quadriceps and
hamstring strength, vertical jump, sprint, agility, and balance in futsal players (1). Yalfani
(2020) found that the program has reduced injuries and improve physical fitness factors
(2), while Zhou (2022) noted increased isometric strength and running ability in youth
soccer players (3). These findings collectively suggest that the FIFA 11+ program is
effective in enhancing the physical performance of youth soccer players (4-6).
Method: A research study was conducted to examine how the FIFA 11+ warm-up
program affects the performance of young football players. The study searched for
relevant articles on Science Direct, PubMed, and Google Scholar using keywords such
as “FIFA 11+”, “performance”, “youth”. The study excluded articles that investigated the
FIFA 11+ program among non-football players or studied programs for rehabilitation.
The search produced 32 articles, of which 14 were shortlisted after a thorough
screening process. Finally, the researchers selected four articles for the review.
Results: The reviewed articles have indicated that the use of the FIFA 11+ program
results in a significant improvement in various performance factors (p < 0.05). These
papers have demonstrated that the program can enhance stability, knee flexor muscles
strength, sprint, agility, vertical jump, and flexibility (4-6). However, it was observed that
FIFA 11+ did not show any significant change in the long jump, VO2 max, balance, and
lower extremity range of motion (4-6).
Discussion: According to a study, the FIFA 11+ warm-up program is more effective
than regular warm-ups on performance. Therefore, it is recommended to use the FIFA
11+ program to enhance muscle strength, flexibility, and agility, which can reduce the
risk of injury in youth football players.