Investigation of the Personal Brand Status of Physical Education Teachers in Khorasan Razavi

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1546-SSRC
1Master of Physical Education, Mashhad Binaloud Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran.
2Faculty member of Binaloud institution of higher education of Mashhad
3Faculty member of Farhangian University
4Ph.D. student in Sports Management at Non-Profit North University, Amol, Mazandaran, Iran.
Introduction and goal: The fundamental document of education and training has emphasized the transformation of the teacher as a trustworthy role model and the most influential element in fulfilling the missions of the education system. A superior and intelligent personal brand can provide many professional benefits for physical education teachers. Physical education teachers play a very important role in educating and nurturing students. Also, as teachers and role models, their interaction style, values, and all their personal characteristics are of special importance. Therefore, the present research was conducted with the aim of investigating the status of the personal brand of physical education teachers in Khorasan Razavi.
Methodology: The research is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of method. The information was collected through fieldwork and questionnaires. The statistical population of the research includes all colleagues in the school, non-physical education teachers, school managers, officials in the regions and areas related to physical education. Due to the nature of the statistical population, the number is unlimited and uncountable. For this research, a cluster sampling method was used to select 385 individuals as the sample, considering the characteristics of the statistical population and their presence in different cities of Khorasan Razavi province. The research data collection tool was the Ramazani and colleagues' personal brand questionnaire (1401). The validity of this questionnaire was confirmed by 10 sports management experts after revision and modifications. The reliability of the questionnaire used in this research was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was 0.92, indicating the high reliability of the research tool. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the data.
Finding: The findings showed that all research components were at an acceptable level, and the final components of the research in order of importance included behavior, personality, professional - fundamental, professional - specialized, professional - general, symbol, and appearance.
Conclusion: The findings indicate the desirability of the personal brand status of physical education teachers in Khorasan Razavi, and it is suggested that this status be determined for all teachers.