Comparison of lumbar properioception and its relationship with back pain

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1587-SSRC
The statistical population of this study was conducted on female hairdressers aged 35 to 45 and unemployed women aged 35 to 45 in Gorgan city located in the north of Iran. The 60 female hairdressers and 60 unemployed women were randomly selected according to the entry and exit criteria and were homogeneously placed in groups based on body mass index and back pain conditions.
The goniometer method was used to evaluate the back proprioception and the VAS visual pain scale was used to evaluate back pain.
Data were analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the normality of the data, Independent t-test was used to compare two groups, and Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to compare two variables. All statistical calculations were done in SPSS version 24 software.
The results showed that there is a significant difference in the comparison of lumbar proprioception at 30-degree flexion angle between hairdressers and unemployed women (P=0.01), So that the amount of joint reconstruction error at 30 degrees of spine flexion was higher in hairdressers than unemployed women.
In addition, findings of the relationship between proprioception at a 30-degree flexion angle and back pain in hairdressers showed that there is a positive significant relationship between joint reconstruction error at a 30-degree flexion angle and back pain in hairdressers (P=0.01) in the sense that the lower the joint reconstruction error in the 30-degree spinal flexion angle, the lower the back pain.
According to the results of this research, it can be stated that in hairdressers, the error of joint reconstruction at 30 degrees of spinal flexion is more than that of unemployed women. Also, in hairdressers, the higher the amount of joint reconstruction error, the higher the severity of back pain., many studies have shown that various factors such as fatigue, old-age, injuries, pain and diseases affect deep sensory receptors and consequently body condition. Muscle fatigue can negatively affect the ability to control posture by reducing the speed of transmission of afferent and efferent messages. When fatigued, the ability to generate appropriate muscle responses to maintain joint stability is reduced, it causes a disturbance in proprioception