To compare the effects of friction-stretching massage, PNF-stretching patterns and physiotherapy-PNF patterns on chronic iliotibial band syndrome

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1594-SSRC
2هیئت علمی دانشگاه اراک
Method: 36 male runners with chronic iliotibial band syndrome were selected and randomly divided into three groups. Interventions were conducted during two weeks, 6 sessions per week and each session lasted 30 to 45 minutes.
VAS table was used to measure pain intensity and Ober's test was used to measure flexibility of iliotibial band. First, a pre-test was taken from the subjects. So the tests were done once at the end of the first week and once at the end of the second week. ANOVA tests have been used to compare the mean of groups and dependent T to compare pre-test and post-test in each group. Statistical operations were performed with the help of SPSS version 20 software and at a confidence level of 99%.
Findings: The results showed that all three methods are effective in improving the pain intensity and flexibility of the iliotibial band. The comparison of the averages of the three groups at the end of the first and second week shows that the therapeutic value of physiotherapy-PNF model has a significant difference compared to the other two groups on the pain intensity of the subjects. There was no significant difference in the flexibility of the iliotibial band between the averages of the three groups.
Conclusion: combining physiotherapy with PNF patterns is effective in improving iliotibial band syndrome and can help the athlete return to the competition field faster. All three methods can be used to increase the length of the iliotibial band to prevent stiffness, shortening, prevent injury, and also treat the iliotibial band