Investigating the effect of body image and body management on women's sports participation in Qom province

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1615-SSRC
1کارمند اداره کل ورزش و جوانان
2کارمند اداره ورزش وجوانان
3کارمند اداره ورزش و جوانان
Introduction: Sports participation has predictable effects on society. Sociologists have paid attention to women's sports participation as a social
phenomenon, and in this research, several factors have been considered in explaining sports participation. According to the present study, the relationship between body image and body management with sports participation of women in Qom province is sought. This research was conducted as a survey.
Methodology: The current research was conducted with a survey method, and the purpose of the survey research was to achieve a causal explanation of women's sports participation. The statistical population consists of women over 25 years of age who visited private clubs in Qom province in 1401. And the sample size was determined using Cochran's formula of 500 people. Research samples were collected by multi-stage cluster random sampling. Pearson's correlation coefficient and univariate regression were used for statistical analysis and structural equation modeling using Amos software was used to test the research model.
Findings: The results indicated that 57.4%, that is, almost more than half of the women, do not exercise, and 23% of them are active for health and well-being, and the remaining 24.6% are active in championship and professional sports.
Conclusion: The average sports participation of women in urban areas of Qom was significantly higher than in rural areas. The effect of body image and body management on women's sports participation. The analytical results and the test of the research model showed that the two variables of body image and body management and their components in total significantly explain up to 86.3 of the variance of women's sports participation.