Comparison of the perceived enjoyment of leisure time physical activities in different socio-economic status of female high school students in Qazvin province

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1625-SSRC
1استادیار گروه آموزش تربیت بدنی، دانشگاه فرهنگیان، تهران ،ایران
2استادیار گروه آموزش تربیت بدنی، دانشگاه فرهنگیان، تهران، ایران
Introduction: Recreational sports or leisure time undoubtedly play an important role in improving the physical and mental health of people in the community and maintaining the health of the community. Also, enjoying sport activities is very effective in increasing the participation rate of teenagers in sport activities. Based on this, the present research was conducted with the aim of comparing the perceived enjoyment of leisure time physical activities in different socio-economic status of female high school students in Qazvin province.
Method: The current research was applied, descriptive and correlational. 384 female students participated in the research as a cluster sampling and standard questionnaires of socio-economic status (Godrat Nama et al., 2019), physical activity and Perceived enjoyment of physical activity (Kendzierski & DeCarlo 1990) with acceptable validity and reliability. Descriptive and inferential statistics, Kolmogorov Smirnoff, Levin, Pearson correlation, two independent samples T were used for data analysis.
Findings: The results showed that there was no significant relationship between students' socio-economic status and leisure time physical activity and perceived enjoyment. Also, no significant difference was seen between the average of these variables and the hypothetical average of the society.
Discussion and conclusion: According to the results, it is hoped that school managers and teachers will create excitement by holding various sport programs and creating more excitement, in addition to better attracting students to sport activities and increasing their participation throughout the year. Furthermore, Extra sports classes inside or outside the school according to the possibility of the attendance of all students from an economic-social point of view.