Sports and Physical Education Organization of Iran: A Platform for Enhancing the Quality of Physical Activities and Professional Opportunities in Sports

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1637-SSRC
Islamic Azad University
This study explores the potential advantages of establishing a Sports and Physical Education Organization of Iran, such as improving physical activity standards and creating better career prospects in the sports industry. Given the significant influence of sports on personal growth, community well-being, and social development, creating a Sports and Physical Education Organization of Iran could greatly enhance physical education and sports. The paper starts by analyzing the historical background and overall framework of establishing similar regulatory bodies, along with insights from other professional systems, such as the Medical Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Subsequently, the study explores the diverse experiences of different countries and their establishment of similar associations, with a specific emphasis on examining the impacts of these associations in the field of sports and physical activity.
International experiences have demonstrated the significant impact that Sports and Physical Education Organization of Iran can have on improving professional and educational standards within the sports industry. These organizations are instrumental in setting professional standards and norms that elevate the integrity of physical and athletic activities. In addition, this study investigates how these organizations affect the job prospects and entrepreneurial endeavors of scholars and graduates in the field of physical education and sport sciences. This involves establishing suitable settings for applying their knowledge and comprehension across various sports disciplines.
This research explores strategies that a Sports and Physical Education Organization of Iran could implement to enhance the standard of sports activity planning, guidance, and training. This article covers various topics, including increasing access to top-notch sports activities, establishing consistent educational programs, and improving instructors' expertise and skills. An extensive assessment is carried out to determine the organization's influence on public health and overall well-being. The findings indicate that this framework can improve societal health standards and greatly enhance quality of life.
In summary, the study provides recommendations for practical measures and potential approaches to strengthen and advance the operations of the Sports and Physical Education Organization of Iran. The suggested solutions provide practical strategies for efficiently implementing ideas and promoting continuous exploration and advancement in this specific field.