Description of Gender Restrictions in the Iranian Sport Women

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1638-SSRC (R1)
2دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی تهران جنوب
Gender differences are effective in the amount or amount of obstacles in the way of doing sports activities, and women as half of the society face more obstacles in doing these activities. Which sports activities women choose for their free time, it is necessary to examine all the factors that positively (motivators) or negatively (barriers) affect their choice. The purpose of this research is to describe gender restrictions in female athletes in Iran. The current research method is qualitative and exploratory. The research strategy in this study was data analysis based on the Glazer method. The statistical population included specialists and experts, including professors in the field of sociology, sports sociology, women's sports officials in the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The sampling method was used as non-probability sampling, with targeted selection and maximum diversity or heterogeneity. The sample size in this research was 16 people based on the theoretical saturation index. The measurement tool was an open interview and based on three stages of open, central and selective coding by analyzing the text of the interviews and after conceptualization in the open coding stage, 60 primary concepts (first level) and 13 secondary themes (first level) were analyzed. was analyzed. second level) and 4 main topics (third level) were identified. Main topics include unequal gender opportunities, gender justice, unconventional gender norms, and gender-based social barriers. In the path of reducing inequality, the important responsibility of policymakers and the government in ensuring gender equality and women's freedom is emphasized more, which includes creating equality in posts and positions based on merit and not gender, supporting the board of directors and the federation. For ladies. It is important for athletes to provide equal facilities and equipment, equal rewards and salaries for women's sports, all of which motivate the presence of women in the promotion of the country's sports, and finally, by participating in international Muslim competitions, they can benefit from its benefits. This platform is to elevate Iranian Islamic culture and as ambassadors of Islamic ideals, in addition to being proud in sports fields, to show the beautiful face of Islam.