Identifying the important indicators of judo talent search from the POV of coaches of Isfahan province

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1640-SSRC
11.Assistant professor, Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Center of Physical Education, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran
2Bachelor Student of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran.
3Bachelor Student of computer Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran
4Bachelor Student of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran
5Bachelor Student of computer Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran.
Advanced sciences resulted in diagnoses the important indicators of any sport field. Judo is one of the Olympic disciplines for a long time. Noudehi et al. in 2016 showed that judo talent indicators based on priorities are: Characteristics of skill, physiological, anthropometric and psychological. Isfahan province is one of the main centers of judo in Iran, which trying to increase its rank; Therefore; the goal of this study was to identify the important indicators of judo talent from the POV of coaches of Isfahan province.
Methodology. This research was mixed method. In the quality section, the Five samples (officials and committee members of the judo team, coaches and champions of national teams and a number of sports expert all from Isfahan province) were selected targeted and accessible. They modified the questionnaire of Noudehi et al. (2016). In quantity section, the questionnaires distributed among the 14 officials of the board, member of national teem, first-class degree coaches). Reliability confirmed through Cronbach's alpha that obtained 0.79. Statistical analysis done by ANOVA method using SPSS software. Version 25.
The most important indicators included; physiologic(Muscular strength and endurance, claw power, Agility, flexibility, speed, phosphagen/aerobic/anaerobic power) whit the point of 3.9; Skill features (using mixed techniques, stunts, throw away, Yaksoku rendering) whit the point of 3.7; body measurement features(height, the environment of the organs, shoulder width, length of arms, body muscle mass, body fat percentage) whit the point of 3.65; psychological characteristics(focus,self confidence, arousal, intelligence, courage) whit the point of 3.4; respectively but there was no significant difference between them(F=8.11; P=0.17).
The results of the present study vs. of Noudehi et al. (2016) was inconsistent in the priority of skill and physiological indicators and consistent in other cases.The results of the current research regarding the importance of paying attention to physical and physiological indicators for talent identificationit is consistent with the findings of Davoodi (2012), Nouri and Sadeghi (2013), Basereh (2014), Dostdari et al. (2016) and Woods et al (2016). It seems that both physiological and skill indicators has the most important in judo talent.