Effect of acute anaerobic and aerobic exercise on immunological factors in blood of untrained male students

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1643-SSRC
1Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
2Department of Physical Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: Various kinds of physical activities in different intensities may cause positive or negative effects on immune functions of human body. Therefore, the aim of present study was to determine the effects of aerobic and anaerobic activities on immune factors of blood (leukocyte, lymphocyte, neutrophile and eusonophyle). Procedure and apparatus: 36 untrained male students who were studying in Iran University of Medical Science in 2023 voluntarily participated in the project (mean age= 21.2 ± 3.9). They were randomly divided into Aerobic training (n=12), Anaerobic training (n=12) and Control groups (n=12). 5 milliliters blood was donated before and immediately after the physical exercise from left hand. The exercise protocols included acute aerobic (Ellestad incremental protocol consisting 7 stages started from 1.7 mile/h grade 10 and finished with 7.0 mile/h with grade 15) and anaerobic exercise (Cunningham-Faulkner protocol consisting running at 8.0 mile/h with grade 20 for as many minutes as possible). Data analyzed by using one way-ANOVA with Tuckey's HSD, and paired sample t-test in P≤0.05. Findings: Results showed that there are significant differences in anaerobic compared to aerobic and control groups in leukocyte and neutrophiles (p= 0.02 and p= 0.03 respectively), whereas lymphocyte and eosinophile did not show significant changes. Also, pre-post differences in anaerobic group (leukocyte, p=0.02 and neutrophile, p=0.02) were significant. There were no significant differences between pre-post of aerobic group.Conclusion: According to the results it may concluded that short-term anaerobic activity might increase the concentration of immune factors in blood. Then it can be suggested that the untrained males would be benefited to use anaerobic training concurrent with those daily training.