Analyzing the challenges and opportunities of sports clubs in the post-corona era and Presentation a solution for the sports managers of Kermanshah province

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1647-SSRC
1Department of Public Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Iran
3Master of Business Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Background: Sports management is very important in the post-corona era. One of the most important components of strategic sports management during a crisis (such as the Corona epidemic) is the identification of existing threats and opportunities.
Objective: The current research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the challenges and opportunities of sports clubs in the post-corona era and Presentation a solution for the sports managers of Kermanshah province.
Methodology: In terms of the practical purpose, the present research is a qualitative study in terms of paradigm and an interpretive approach, which was conducted using the content analysis method. The study population included all sports club managers and university experts in Kermanshah province. A total of 16 people participated in a semi-structured in-depth interview using theoretical and purposeful and snowball sampling methods. The sample size depended on the theoretical saturation of the data. Data analysis was done by content analysis method. Based on the research results, challenges and opportunities were identified during two stages of open and axial coding using MAXQDA 2018 software.
Results: The findings of the research showed that support points, media and sports, virtual education, sports foresight, development of management capabilities, promotion of public health and technology as identified opportunities; And developmental, social-cultural, government-planning problems, reduction of professional skills, emergence of economic problems, psychological problems and weakness in individual-social health as challenges in this field of identification.
Conciusion: Became according to these findings, it can be concluded that in the sports industry, especially in the field of sports clubs, due to the current conditions, it is an opportunity to expand sports in the virtual space; Officials are trying to find new ways to interact with athletes, develop emergency plans for games without spectators, and explore opportunities for the growth of virtual technologies.