Investigate the Indicators of Human Resource Effectiveness in the Iran Cycling Federation

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1662-SSRC
Payam Noor university
Reyhane Khatoni Daryan1, Mahdi Goudarzi2

1. M.A. of Sport Management Payame Noor University of Tehran, Iran
2. Assistant Professor of Sport Management Payame Noor University of Tehran, Iran.

Purpose: In a rapidly changing competitive environment, human resources are one important source of competitive advantage. This paper builds on strategy and human resource management to identify important linkages between the federation's strategy, its human resources, and performance outcomes. Therefore in this research, the researcher is trying to investigate the Indicators of human resource effectiveness in the Iran Cycling Federation.
Methods: This is an applied research. The mixed method was used, in which the first step involved identifying human resource management indicators with a strategic thinking approach through interviews with experts and qualitative data analysis (thematic analysis). Also, to confirm the extracted themes and check the reliability of the interviews and reach a consensus on the extracted themes, a questionnaire was designed based on the findings of the thematic analysis and completed by experts and fuzzy Delphi analysis was performed.
In the quantitative phase, all members of the board of directors, heads of provincial delegations and heads of cycling federation committees were selected as a sample. The All Population method was used to collect the subjects. Finally, 50 questionnaires were collected. The validity of the instrument was confirmed through the opinions of university professors and convergent validity. Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability were used to check the reliability. SPSS 22 software were used for data analysis. Structural equation modelling was used to test the hypotheses and evaluate the overall fit.
Results: Based on results obtained in this research of the 35 factors regarding the Indicators of Human Resource Effectiveness in the Iran Cycling Federation, fore main indicators, including structural, political, cultural and environmental were identified.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the research, it is necessary to pay attention to the organizational structure and basic policies in order to institutionalize effective resources in the cycling federation, which is suggested to take place through collaborative management with the employees of the structural transformation in the federation.