Identifying the effective drivers on the fear of decision-making in managers of sports federations

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1666-SSRC
نیروهای مسلح
Identifying the effective drivers on the fear of decision-making in managers of sports federations
Tayyaba Sadat Zargar1*, Saeed Zakalvand2
1. Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (email:)
2. M.A. in Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
The general purpose of the present study was to identify the drivers affecting the fear of decision-making in the managers of sports federations. The present research was a descriptive correlational research based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of this research was all senior and middle managers of sports federations of the country, according to the statistics of 1401, there were 140 people, and the statistical sample was selected by simple random method and 103 people were selected based on Cochran's formula. After distributing the questionnaire made by the researcher among the sample people, data analysis was used by structural equation modeling method with partial least squares approach with SmartPLS software. The results showed that individual factors, organizational factors and environmental factors have a significant positive effect on the fear of decision-making in managers of sports federations. Therefore, it is suggested to control individual, organizational and environmental factors as factors that cause fear in the decision-making of sports federation managers by holding empowerment courses for managers.
Decision making is a managerial and organizational process. Decision making and management are close concepts. Mere people with managerial positions are not enough for a manager. For a person to be a manager, it is important whether he has the decision-making power or not. Decision making is one of the most important duties of a manager.
Keywords: individual, organizational, environmental factors, panic in decision making, managers of sports federations