.The effect of six weeks of endurance training with coenzyme Q10 supplementation on liver enzymes ALT and AST in the serum of male Wistar rats

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1667-SSRC
Endurance training is a suitable way to improve sports performance and increase health and has an important role on physiological responses and adaptations, but it can cause stress on the hormonal system; metabolic and immune system. Coenzyme Q10 supplementation may be effective in ameliorating changes resulting from endurance exercise. Increased oxidative stress is the main characteristic of all types of sports-related injuries. Considering the role of physical activity in adaptive responses to oxidative stress and the importance of nutritional supplements, the current research examines the simultaneous effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation and endurance exercise on liver enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT).
In this experimental study, 32 male rats were prepared and placed in 4 groups (control, endurance exercise, coenzyme Q10 supplement + endurance exercise, Q10 supplement). to the Q10 group and endurance training + Q10 for 6 weeks, every day Q10 supplement orally with a gavage syringe, once a day at 9 am for six weeks, in the supplement and training + supplement groups, daily with a dose of 20 Mg/Kg were fed to them. At the end of the course, blood samples were taken to check AST and ALT indices and the resulting changes were measured. The desired indicators were analyzed with SPSS 22 software and statistical tests of mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni's post hoc test.
Examining the changes in liver enzymes AST and ALT between the endurance training group with supplementation and the control group showed that Q10 supplementation had a significant effect on AST and ALT, and supplementation with exercise reduced these enzymes and protected the liver from damage. Oxidation (by increasing the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase) protects. Taking co-enzyme Q10 supplement along with six weeks of endurance training can have a synergistic effect that improves the antioxidant system and reduces inflammation.