Prioritizing the factors affecting the occurrence of risk in holding sports events

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1668-SSRC
1Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Payame Noor University
2University of Farhangiyan
Introduction: In sports organizations, risk management is of particular importance, because sports events as a final product should be introduced to the society and shown that this sector will be on the one hand with potential opportunities to increase the financial strength of the organization. The present research was conducted with the aim of prioritizing the factors affecting the occurrence of risk in the organization of sports events.
Research method: This research was conducted in terms of practical purpose and in the form of a descriptive survey that was conducted using a mixed method. In the qualitative part, academic members of the university who had senior management experience in national sports organizations were included, and sampling was done in this stage with 8 people using the snowball sampling method. In the quantitative section, there were 150 employees of sports delegations in Tehran province, and a total sampling and questionnaire were distributed to all, and finally 127 questionnaires were completed and analysed as a statistical sample. The qualitative data of the research were reviewed after collection and their application information was extracted using open coding and qualitative analysis and was used in the final version of the risk factor questionnaire, as well as exploratory factor analysis and statistical analysis using SPSS software, also confirmatory factor analysis was used using Lisrel software.
Findings: The results showed that physical resources are the most important factor, followed by threat assessment, human resources, networking in the next ranks, and finally, the factor of emergency measures has the least effect on the occurrence of risk in holding sports events.
Conclusion: In a situation where the most important risk factor is physical resources and most large sports infrastructures are not in a good condition in terms of safety, in order to reduce the risks in holding events, paying attention to the construction of modern and advanced sports facilities in various fields should be prioritized in the government sports affairs.