Investigating the influencing factors On the success and hosting of the Sports competitions Of World armier (SIZM) in the Islamic RePublic Of Iran

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1669-SSRC
It is very important for countries to win a championship position in the world military competitions to the extent that countries use this peaceful competition as a tool in international equations, and on the other hand, requesting to host and hold major sports events is of great importance for different countries. Countries have different strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in order to enter the competition for hosting and holding it, according to their own conditions. From this research, the aim of this research is to investigate the factors influencing the success and hosting of the World Armies Sports Competition (SIZM) in the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was done with the method of content analysis. The results of the research show that the factors that can affect the success of the Islamic Republic of Iran's sports caravans in the world military competitions are divided into two strategic and executive categories, and it is suggested that the officials involved and the trustees of military sports at the same time Pay attention to strategic factors and optimal planning, pay special attention to executive factors, and by implementing programs, provide the necessary ground for the success of military sports caravans. This article shows that hosting Sizm in Iran is strong from the point of view of internal factors and also has opportunities from the external point of view, which should be taken into account in formulating strategies, the strategic position of the armed forces exercise for the purpose of Sizm is in today, and it can be identified by identifying the points Turn their weaknesses into positive points