The impact of perceived Risk on sport participation consumption behavior

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1679-SSRC
استادیار مدیریت ورزشی، گروه تربیت بدنی، واحد ساوه، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ساوه، ایران
Background & Purpose: Participant consumption involves the decision-making processes of individuals who choose to participate in sport activities (Shank, 2005). Examining the absence of motivation is an insufficient basis for explaining non- attendance. Perceived risk represents an area that could better explain sport consumers’ decision to not attend a sport event. Stone and Gronhaug (1993) illustrated that perceived risk has a direct impact on consumer behavior. Due to the context-specific nature of perceived risk, perceived risk is defined in the current study as a person’s perceptions of the uncertainty and negative consequences derived from attending sport. James and Trail (2008) used 4 factors scale to determine behavioral intention; the four factors include participation intention, attendance, recommendation to others, merchandise consumption, and media consumption. The project is an initial effort to empirically examine the impact of perceived risk on consumption behavior.
methods: The mixed method design in the current study was carried out in two phases. In the qualitative phase, a focus group study with semi-structured interviews was conducted and data from 16 interviewees were saturated. Findings resulted from the qualitative study were adopted as the foundation to develop a preliminary scale measuring perceived risks that affect PA participation of women in Iran. A sample of Iranian women who seldom participated in PA (N = 688) responded to a survey. The data were randomly split into two halves, with one half for an exploratory factor analysis and the other half for a confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model (SEM) analyses.

Results: the results of Structural Equation Modeling by LISREL software indicate that types of perceived risk (time-financial risk, performance, psycho-social and physical-environmental) are significant predictors for behavioral intentions (attendance, recommend to others, merchandise consumption, media consumption). (NFI= .94, CFI= .94, NNFI= .92, RMSEA= .05, χ2/df= 2.51). Discussion: Also results indicate that managers and marketers should consider the positive and negative effects of perceived risk on sport consumption behavior in the entirety of their planning.