Identifying and Prioritizing Socio-cultural Criteria for Locating Sports Complexes with the Best Worst Technique

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1680-SSRC
Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Humanities, University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur, Iran گروه علوم ورزشی، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه نیشابور، نیشابور، ایران
Introduction: Socio-cultural criteria play a crucial role in ensuring that sports facilities are integrated harmoniously within communities and meet the needs and preferences of the local population. This article aims to identifying and ranking socio-cultural criteria for locating sports complexes. The identification of influential socio-cultural factors in the construction of sports facilities was conducted through an extensive literature review. These criteria were screened based on the experts' opinions and categorized into 6 groups and 21 criteria. Method: BWM (Best Worst Method) were used for weighting the criteria involved in location selection problem. Results: Results show that, acceptance occupies the first place among the category of criteria. Acceptance is seen by some as a gateway that can influence views on issues such as the culture of preservation and protection of public property and can bring stable and consistent behavior among all users as to the proper use of new equipment. Community impact and demographic characteristics ranked second and third among the categories. As well as among the 21 identified criteria, fair access opportunities, beneficiary inclusiveness, availability of facilities for diverse populations and enthusiasm for develop got the highest weight respectively. Conclusion: Considering socio-cultural criteria when locating sports complexes is crucial for community integration and user satisfaction. This approach ensures that the facilities align with the local culture, values, and preferences, leading to a greater sense of ownership and involvement. A systematic and participatory approach to identify and prioritize these criteria allows for a well-rounded decision-making process that reflects the needs and aspirations of the community. By incorporating socio-cultural considerations, sports complexes can contribute not only to the physical well-being but also to the social and cultural fabric of the communities they serve