Designing of a Model for the Development of Worker Sports in Iran

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1701-SSRC
1Assistant Professor of Sport Management, University of Bojnord
2M.SC in Sport Management, Azad Islamic University, Shirvan Branch
3M.SC in Sport Management, University of Bojnord
4PhD in Sport Management, University of Guilan
5Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Shahrood University of Technology
Objective: The purpose of present study was to designing of a model for the development of worker sports in Iran.
Method: This research was carried out using a mixed research method. The statistical population in both qualitative and quantitative sections consisted of academic experts in the field of development in sport with at least 5 years of management experience who were selected using purposeful method to reach the theoretical saturation. The research tool in the qualitative part was an in-depth semi-structured interview. The research tool in the quantitative section was a researcher-made questionnaire based on the indicators obtained in the qualitative section.
Results: The results of the qualitative part showed that main indicators were determined in the development of the worker sports, which included "Recognition and attitude of the working community towards sports, sectoral, inter-sectoral and extra-sectoral planning in organizations related to working sports, participation of volunteers and the private sector in working sports services, Promotion of sports in the work and family environment with the approach of work-leisure balance, integration and coordination of government services of the employment system and sports system for workers, development of amateur competitions of local to national level workers with an appropriate approach. holidays and calendar holidays, providing facilities and a package of sports goods to workers based on needs assessment, tracking the percentage of credits and facilities approved for employees' sports in the budget of governmental and semi-governmental institutions, using capacities and resources, public and government institutions through networking, public education and culturalization of sports in the labor society with a multimedia approach, and finally sustainable development of labor sports with a lifelong sports approach". After identifying the factors affecting the development of worker sports, the way the factors affect each other was investigated and stratified using Interpretive Structural Modeling.
Conclusion: The results showed that the final interpretive structural model, which according to the levels of variables and the final access matrix obtained, had a suitable structure for providing a solution for the development of worker sports.