Investigating the Functions of the Football Industry in Iran

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1719-SSRC
1Assistant Professor of Sport Management, University of Bojnord
2M.SC in Sport Management, University of Bojnord
Purpose: Today, football has turned from a simple sport into a very important industry, and because of its effective functions, special attention is paid to it in developed countries. Therefore, the purpose of present study was to investigating the functions of the football industry in Iran.
Method: The current research was a descriptive and survey type study that was conducted in a mixed method in 2 qualitative and quantitative parts. In the qualitative section, the classification of concepts was done qualitatively in the form of library content analysis method based on inductive category. In order to clarify the path of research and enrichment provided by using the Delphi decision-making method, the opinions of 15 experts, including professors and sports management experts, were used, and after removing and adding some criteria from the initial questionnaire, and finally, the final questionnaire with 8 functions and 40 sub-criteria were identified. The research tool in the quantitative part was a researcher-made questionnaire based on the criteria extracted in the qualitative part, and the statistical population in the quantitative part included faculty members, sports experts, coaches, and professional football players, which is 181 people who were selected using available sampling. Data were analyzed using SPSS and PLS software
Results: The results showed that the functions of the football industry included hardware, diplomatic, tourism, social, economic, structural, media and scientific research functions, respectively, and the most important sub-criteria identified, respectively, include the impact of hosting international events on the positive trend of international tourism, the creation and optimization of the infrastructure and facilities needed by the country's sports, the presence of spectators and the release of their excess energy in the stadiums, creating a sense of pride and happiness among the people, the prosperity of radio, television and newspaper programs related to football, and finally filling the leisure time of different classes with the expansion of football clubs and academies.
Conclusion: Finally, the results of the research showed that the final structural model of the research was confirmed with the help of partial least squares technique and had a good fit.