The Analysis of various physical and sports activity measures among University Students

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1722-SSRC
2University Polytechnic of Catalonia
The role of cardio-respiratory fitness in reducing cardiovascular disease mortality cannot be overstated, with factors like age, gender, physical activity level, and physiological parameters influencing cardio power. The peak of cardio capacity typically occurs between the ages of 18-25, and the correlation between aerobic skills and physical activity underscores the importance of regular exercise for a healthy lifestyle. Research consistently highlights the positive psychological and social effects of physical activity across all life stages, emphasizing its role as a potent tool for improving overall quality of life at various social levels. One of the foremost outcomes of engaging in physical activity is a significant reduction in the likelihood of overweight and obesity, contributing to enhanced cardiovascular power, increased muscle strength, improved flexibility, heightened fitness levels, and advancements in cognitive and mental health. Body composition significantly impacts physical fitness, influencing physiological responses during sports activities. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to unfavorable body composition, negatively impacting work capacity, decreasing bodily functions, and fostering undesirable behavioral characteristics like anger and rage, creating a negative self-concept and strained interpersonal relationships, and ultimately diminishing overall quality of life. To enhance the physical activity levels of students, it is crucial to comprehend the barriers preventing their participation in sports activities. With this objective, the current study endeavors to investigate the aerobic capacity, physical activity levels, body composition, and barriers to sports activity participation among 355 university students. A comprehensive review of previous research indicates that students' aerobic fitness and physical activity levels have varied, with some studies reporting low to moderate levels. Studies exploring the relationship between physical activity levels and body composition have yielded inconsistent results, with some reporting no significant correlation.