The effect of TRX Exercises on Gluteus Medius Muscle Activation Timing in Female Athletes with a History of ACL Reconstruction

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1728-SSRC (R1)
1MA. Sport Injury and Corrective Exercises, Islamic Azad University of Takestan branch, Takestan.Iran
2department of physical education Islamic Azad University of Takestan branch, Takestan.Iran,
3department of physical education Islamic Azad University of Takestan branch, Takestan.Iran
Objective: The activation of the gluteus medius muscle is essential for controlling lower limb movements and alignment, particularly in athletes who have undergone anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery. TRX exercises, known for their functional nature, may have beneficial effects during the later stages of ACL rehabilitation. This study aimed to investigate the influence of TRX exercises on the timing of gluteus medius muscle activation in female athletes with a history of ACL reconstruction surgery.
Methods: A semi-experimental design with a pre-test, post-test, and two-group configuration was employed. The sample included 20 female athletes aged between 18 and 30 years, all of whom had undergone ACL reconstruction surgery. Participant selection was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The onset time of the gluteus medius muscle was measured using surface electromyography during a single-leg hop test, both before and after an eight-week intervention of TRX exercises. The TRX exercises were conducted for 24 sessions, lasting 15 to 25 minutes each. Within-group changes were analyzed using paired t-tests, while between-group differences in the post-test phase were examined using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). A significance level of 95% and an alpha level less than 0.05 were utilized.
Results: The ANCOVA results demonstrated a significant between-group difference in the post-test phase regarding the onset time of gluteus medius muscle activation, after controlling for the covariate (pre-test). An interactive effect of time (pre-test vs. post-test) and group (control vs. TRX) was observed, leading to a significant improvement in the onset time of gluteus medius muscle activation within the TRX exercise group (p ≤ 0.05).
Conclusion: The enhanced onset time of gluteus medius muscle activation following TRX exercises can be attributed to the specific movement patterns executed during these exercises. The functional nature of TRX exercises facilitates the recovery of motor control programs stored in the nervous system and expedites muscle activation. Therefore, individuals with a history of ACL reconstruction surgery are recommended to incorporate TRX exercises into their rehabilitation programs to enhance functional recovery and facilitate a safe return to sports.