Investigating the screening value of functional movement screening test score for predicting injuries in taekwondo athletes

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1729-SSRC
1Department of sport injuries and corrective exercise, Islamic Azad University Tehran Science & Research Branch (Oloom Tahghighat), Tehran, Iran.
2Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Shomal University, Amol, Iran.
3استادیار گروه آسیب شناسی ورزشی و حرکات اصلاحی پژوهشگاه علوم ورزشی، تهران، ایران
Background: Taekwondo is an international martial art that is very popular. A high rate of injuries has been reported in taekwondo. Purpose: This prospective cohort study investigated the value of Functional Movement Screening test (FMS) for predicting injuries in taekwondo athletes. Methods: 90 taekwondo athletes (85 women, 5 men) (Mean±SD, age 17.12 ± 3.90 years, weight 57.32 ± 9.55 kg, height 164 ± 0.09 cm) completed FMS test before starting the Taekwondo season. All injuries were recorded in a followed-up period for six months. Spearman correlation assessed the association, logistic regression created a model for prediction, and the receiving operating characteristics curve analysis assessed the predictive performance of FMS for injury incidence in taekwondo athletes. Results: 10 injuries were recorded for 90 athletes during follow-up period. There was a significant relationship between FMS scores and the incidence of injuries in taekwondo athletes (r= 0.343, p= 0.001). Athletes who sustained injury during the follow up had a lower FMS score (14 ± 1.33) than those athletes who did not get injured (16.66 ± 2.65, p = 0.002). The overall model created via the logistic regression was statistically significant when compared to the null model (X2(1) = 8.989, p=0.003), this model explained 19 % of the variation of the sustaining injury (meaning that sustaining injury can be explained by this full model), suggesting that predictions are fairly reliable. Furthermore, 86.7 % of the individuals were correctly classified using the model which is a large improvement. Finally, a receiving operating characteristics curve analysis revealed good diagnostic accuracy for predicting injury using the FMS test (Area Under Curve [AUC]= .813, 95% CI [0.720-0.905]; sensitivity and specificity were 72% and 90% for the cutoff ≤ 15.5).
Conclusion: Functional movement screen test score is a useful tool for predicting future injuries in taekwondo athletes. Therapists and sports coaches are suggested to use FMS score as a screening tool for diagnosis of individual who are susceptible to sustain injury and to acquire the optimal prevention strategy