evaluate and compare the effects of 8-week high-intensity interval training and high-intensity functional training on physical fitness, body composition, performance and volume of firefighters' self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1734-SSRC
1آتش نشانی
2دانشگاه شهید بهشتی
3دانشگاه lowell
The study participants included 39 firefighters who were divided in three groups of control, HIIT, and HIFT The HIIT group performed eight weeks of Tabata interval training 3 sessions per week each exercise included performing: Canadian stair, Swedish push-up, squat, burpee, abdominal movement, pullup, box jump and burpee box jump, while the subject in HIFT group performed eight exercises based on the simulated fire-fighting tests, including lifting and lowering the fire extinguishing pipe, Canadian stairs while carrying the fire extinguishing pipe, climbing the floors while carrying the fire extinguishing pipe, sledgehammering with a 6-kg sledgehammer, pulling a 12-kg object using a rope upwards, running 20 meters back and forth, carrying a fire extinguisher full of water forward, carrying a 70-kg injured person backwards. Body composition, VO2max, anaerobic power and simulated firefighting tests were measured befor and after 8 weeks of training.

Findings: Statistical data analysis showed that the interaction between the group with the measurement times was statistically significant in all measured variables (P <0.05). Banferroni post hoc test showed that the variables of weight, body compotion index, fat percentage and waist-to-seat ratio in the HIFT and HIIT groups showed a significant decrease (P <0.05), but the difference between these variables in the HIIT and HIFT groups There was no significance (P <0.05). VO2max showed a significant increase in both HIFT and HIIT groups (P <0.05), but no significant difference was observed between HIIT and HIFT groups (P <0.05). Anaerobic power, The duration of the simulated test and used of respiratory cylinder volume in both HIFT and HIIT groups showed a significant decrease (P <0.05). However, the results of the post hoc test the changes of these three variables were not significantly different between the two groups HIIT and HIIT.

Conclusion: The results showed that HIFT improved body composition in firefighters, but although HIIT improved body composition, this improvement was not significant. The results also showed that HIIT and HIFT can have a significant effect on anaerobic power, VO2max, performance and volume of firefighters' SCBA. HIFT exercises have a better and greater effect on all factors compared to HIIT exercises.