The Relationship Between Health Risk Factors and Overweight

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1744-SSRC
1Department of Sports Physiology, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
2Educational Sciences Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
BACKGROUND: consumption of sugar or sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with Overweight and short sleep duration, which are known as health risk factors (HRFs). However, the relationship between higher consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and sleep disorders is not completely clear.
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effect of sugar-sweetened beverages consumption on sleep disorders.
Methods: In this study, 20 athletes who met the conditions for entering the study were randomly selected from among the clubs in Kashan city (1 women's club, 1 men's club). To evaluate the sleep quality of the participants, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire (with 7 scales of subjective sleep quality, delay in falling asleep, length of useful sleep, sleep adequacy (ratio of length of useful sleep to time spent in bed) ), sleep disorders (waking up at night) and amount of medication It evaluates sleepiness and disturbances in daily functioning (problems caused by insomnia during the day) were used. The score of each scale is between 0 and 3, and a score of 3 in each scale indicates the maximum negative. The total score of this questionnaire is 0 to 21, and a total score of 6 or above indicates inappropriate sleep quality.
Results: Data analysis showed a significant relationship between the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and sleep disorders (0.000).
Conclusion: Our results showed that higher consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages was associated with an increased risk of sleep disorders. Further research with more precise measurements and gender-specific and prospective designs should be conducted to elucidate the underlying causes and mechanisms.