Integrated or inclusive physical education? The necessity of changing the educational system of the Iran in the field of physical education for disabled students

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1758-SSRC
1Associate Professor, behavioral science in sport department, Sport Science Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
2Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Khodabandeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khodabandeh, Iran
3PhD in motor behavior, Kish campus of University of Tehran
4Assistant Professor of Department of Physical Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
5Master of physical education, physical education teacher, Ministry of Education, Mazandaran, Iran.
6PhD of motor behaviour _ motor development, The Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
7master of physical education_motor development , physical education teacher, Ministry of Education, Tehran, Iran
8Department of physical education, farhangian university, P.O.BAX 14665-889, Tehran. Iran
The educational system in Iran is developing every year. Regarding people with disabilities, many efforts have been made by by officials and politicians for years. These efforts have led to the entry of a large number of students with disabilities from special schools to regular schools. The least number of people who have been able to enter in normal schools are people with intellectual disabilities. Many prerequisites must be created for these people to enter to normal schools, and the culture of communication and dealing with these people must change. Many efforts have been made for this issue in the world. In the advanced countries of the world, people with intellectual disabilities can enter in normal schools, and in Iran we must provide the conditions for these people to attend schools. But there is a common mistake in this field, which is that the education system has not achieved a correct understanding of the difference between integrated education and inclusive education. In this research, in a project ordered by the Iranian special Education Organization, the researchers investigated the comparative physical education in Iran with different countries in the world and provided information for the politicians and senior managers of the country regarding the development strategies of comparative physical education. Through these scientific findings, we can remove the limitations of the educational system, develop adaptive physical education, and provide the possibility of the presence of people with intellectual disabilities in Iranian schools. The researchers hope that by compiling this plan and explaining the issues of this educational system, they can create guidance for managers and policymakers as well as physical education teachers of these people and establish the grounds for creating this educational system in the country, especially in the field of physical education and sports.