The effect of virtual reality on the amount of lumbar lordosis angle and dynamic balance of students suffering from increased lumbar lordosis

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1777-SSRC
مجمتع آموزشی مدارس دانشگاه اصفهان
Background: A change in the desired alignment of the lumbar spine can affect the balance, and correcting these unfavorable changes can improve the balance. Nowadays, the increasing use of screen technologies is seen in public and students are more interested in virtual reality compared to old traditional games.
Purpose: The purpose of the current study was to examine the effect of virtual reality on the amount of lumbar lordosis angle and dynamic balance of students suffering from increased lumbar lordosis.
Methodology: In this semi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group, 40 male students with increased lumbar lordosis abnormality (greater than or equal to 51 degrees) in Isfahan with an age range of 7 to 10 years were targeted for were selected to participate in the present study. In the pre-test stage, dynamic balance was measured using the Y-test and the lumbar lordosis angle was measured using a flexible ruler. In the intervention phase (exercise), which was conducted for six weeks and 3 sessions each week and each session was 30 minutes long, the virtual reality training group did the relevant exercises. While the control group did not exercise during this period. At the end of the intervention phase, the participants took part in the post-test and similar to the pre-test, dynamic balance and lumbar lordosis angle were measured. The collected data were analyzed using the covariance test.
Results: The results of the research showed that virtual reality exercises have a significant effect on improving dynamic balance (P=0.019) and improving the lumbar lordosis angle (P=0.021) of students with increased lumbar lordosis.
Conclusion: This study provides evidence that virtual reality can be used as a safe and low-cost training tool by exposing individuals to lumbar lordosis deformity situations and increasing their balance confidence.