Comparison of lower extremity muscular strength of elite female speed and endurance skaters; A cross-sectional study

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1782-SSRC
1MSc of Sport injuries and corrective exercises.Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2Assistant professor, Department of sports medicine, Sport Sciences Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.
3Phd. of Sport iNjuries and corrective exercises. University of Tehran. Tehran. Iran
Speed skaters may have a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for generating quick and powerful movements. These fibers have a greater capacity for anaerobic energy production and fatigue resistance. Endurance skaters, on the other hand, may have a higher proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are more fatigue-resistant and contribute to sustained efforts. Muscle strength and endurance are also important factors. Speed skaters may focus on developing maximum strength and power through resistance training exercises like squats and plyometrics. This helps them generate forceful strides and maintain high speeds. Endurance skaters, on the other hand, may prioritize exercises that enhance muscular endurance and stability, such as single-leg exercises and balance training. Endurance skaters prioritize balance and control, necessitating a different set of muscle characteristics.
The study type is a cross-sectional study. There were 30 participants (speed skating, n = 15, and Endurance skating, n = 15) (Age=19.92,Weight=56.83±4.17,Height=165.67±2.53). Muscle strength test was taken by Biodex Isokinetic Device in both knee and ankle joints in two ecc/con and con/ecc condition with different speeds to assess the strength of the quadriceps,, hamstring, invertor, evertor, plantar flexor and dorsi flexor muscles.
The statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the maximum peak torque of the speed skaters and endurance skaters only in the ankle eversion at a speed of 120 degrees/second (p=0.038) and knee extension at a speed of 240 degrees/second (p=0.041). In the rest of the muscle strength variables, the difference between groups did not reach a significant level.Probably, due to the close nature of the physical training of the elite speed and endurance skaters, as well as the sports activity of most of them in both disciplines, the expectation of a significant difference in the strength performance of the lower limb muscles was not met. It is worth noting that individual variations exist within each group of skaters, and training programs can differ based on personal preferences and specific skating disciplines. Additionally, the muscle performance of elite athletes is influenced by various factors, including genetics, training methods, and overall conditioning.